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To the Honerable Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Sattle
Your committee on License and
Revenue in view of the rapid extension of
the business portion of the City would recommend
that the area within which Liquor Licenses may
be granted be established as it shall be bounded
and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection go Front and Depot
streets, running east on Depot Street to Cherry
Thence Southerly on Second Street to Cherry
Thence easterly on Cherry St to Third Street
thence southerly on Third Street to Yesler Avenue
Thence east on Yesler Avenue to South Sixth
. Thence south on South Sixth Street to
Jackson Street. Thence east on Jackson Street
to South Seventh Street. Thence south on South
Seventh Street
to Weller Street. Thence west on
Weller Street to Commercial Street. Thence south
on Commercial Street to Norman Street. Thence
westonNorman Street to Railroad Avenue
Thence in a northerly direction on Railroad Avenue
to [Union Street]]. Thence easterly on Union Street
to Front Street. Thence northerly on Front Street
to Depot Street, the place of the beginning.

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