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Hon. Mayor and Council of the
City of Seattle.


Preliminary to a request we have to
make we bring your attention
to the fact that the surplus water of
the South part of Snohomish Co. and of
nearly all the great county of King is
gathered together at one point, the head
of the Duwanish Valley.

White River by the color of its water
testifies its origin among the glaciers of
Mt. Ranier.

From Stampede Pass comes Green River
and uniting with the White Black and
Cedar rivers piles up a great flood that
the Duwamish is unable to carry and
destruction of property and desolation of
the rich alluvial valley is the result.

A territory of 1500 Sq. miles, (larger by
250 S1. miles than R. F.) gathers the annual
rainfall of about four feet and pours it
upon us farmers mainly in the first
four or five months of each year.

Last years exceptionally high water

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