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Slough from passing that point is quite
within reach if those interested will unite
in an effort to obtain it.

The complaints of the suffering farmers
have lately become louder than usual from
the fact of excessive rainfall and the fact
that Cedar river has partly changed its
course allowing Black river to fill up to a
certain extent thus retarding the outflow.

The farmers of the upper Snohomish
petitioned the Co. Commissioners for a
ditch and a preliminary survey was mde
but residents of the lower valley protested
on account of the height of Lake Wash.
and the matter was dropped.

Last winter petitions were presented to the
Co. Commissioners asking them to dig a
canal that should lower the Lake but
they inform us that there is no law under
which they can proceed.

Then an effort was made to get [?]
from the Washington Improvement Co.
that with the offer in hand, an effort
might be made to raise the necessary
funds, this failed.

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As was in the previous page, there is a fold in the paper.


As was in the previous page, there is a fold in the paper.


As was in the previous page, there is a fold in the paper.