A petition, containing over 100 signatures, was submitted requesting that the City abandon its plan to light a large portion of the City with gasoline lamps and reduce the number of street lights. See full description in Digital Collections




Seattle, Wash., November 9, 1894.

To the Hon. Members of City Council, of the City of Seattle.


We learn from the morning papers that you are contemplating lighting a large portion of the City with Gasoline Lamps, and wish to express our earnest protest against such action. While we are favorable to an economical management of the City's affairs we are opposed to cutting the street lighting system to the extent proposed, and particularly to the adoption of so crude and obsolete a system of lighting as gasoline.

With our pavements in such shabby condition, and crime rampant, we can do away with almost anything better than light on the streets.

Geo. R. [Ward?] L. Ahreen E. W. Price E. A. Turner Geo. Doffel W. F. Ephler [?] Barnes Robt Croft E. Rosenberg L. J. Colman

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