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J E Crichton president
G K Coryell Deputy Clerk and Clerk of the House
Standing Committees
Judiciary, Legislation and Railroads
Voigt, Hurd, James
James,Voigt, Little
City Lights
Kistler, Hurd, Chapman
Little, James, Gleeson
Harbor and Wharves
Goodhue, Kistler, Hurd
Police License and Revenue
Goodhue, Hurd, James
Fire and Water
Hurd, Kistler, Little
Library and Printing
Chapman, Goodhue, Kistler
James, Little, Goodhue
Sewers and Drainage
Gleeson, Goodhue, Little
Health and Sanitation
Chapman, Voigt, Gleeson
Public Buildings and Grounds
Little, Gleeson, James
Elections and Boundaries
Chapman, Voigt, Kistler
Engrossed Bills
Voigt, Kistler, Chapman
Rules and Order of Business
[Crichton]], James, Goodhue
Gleeson, Chapman, Goodhue
Seattle Wash 189
Mr Claude Troop
Mr Frank Goodhue

Chambers of the House of Delegates

Seattle, Wash. ____________________ 189 ________

of such reduction. The Library fund now
is exhausted and help has been solicited
by personal subscription. The Library can
now be maintained only by the most
careful economy from its present resources;
to reduce those would result probably in
the losing of the institution. The Library
fund is dependent upon the proceeds of
sale of liquor businesses nearby.

The burden would fall upon the City en-
tirely if the license were reduced, whereas
now the burden, if such it be, of the differ-
ences betweeen the license as it is and as
the peitioners wish it to be , would fall
and does fall but lightly on each indi-
vidual license.

As stated before, your Committee do not
believe that any more licenses would be is-
sued at the rate petitioned for ahn at the
present rate and therefore believe that the
interests of the City at large as well as

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