To the Board of Aldermen and
House of Delegates of the City
of Seattle-
Your petitions being residents
tax lawyers and voters in and of that portion
of the City of Seattle recently added to said
City and formerly constituting what was
known as Freemont respectfully ask that
your Honorable body may pass an Ordinance
extending the license limits of said City
so that they may embrace all that portion
of the said City of Seattle situate bounded
and discribed as follows - to wit all that
portion of said former Town of Freemont
and plot thereof - to wit take {Av?}from
Etruria Street to Ewing Street - Ewing Street from Lake
to Aurora Street and Ewing Street from Lake
to Evanston Street.
C P Stone
Fremont Milling Co
Iraac Burlingame Supt Mill and stock holder
B F Davy
C Livingston Dry Goods Merchant
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