To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Seattle:
We, the undersigned business men, residents
and tax payers of said City, understanding that there is in circu-
lation a petition remonstrating against the contrast of the City
letting the lighting thereof to the Rainier Power Railway Company
and the Seattle Gas and Electric Light Company, which said petition
is being circulated in the interests of the Union Electric Company,
beg to urge on your Honorable body the full appreciation we have,
and are confident you have, for the necessity of an economical ad-
ministration of the affairs of the City, and a lessening of the pres
ent burden borne by the tax payers. We are further of the opinion
that the awarding of this contract to the lowest bidder would ef-
fect a large saving to the City and meet with public approval.
I N Hooper
Mark Ten Sine
W E McKee
T H Cann
B S Miller
K Gattsteety
A L Hill
F J Hardy
Will Kershaw
Jas Stewart
T W Gordon
W L McDonald
Jno Fairfield
Nixon & McConnell
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