To the common Council of the City of Seattle, Washington,
Gentlemen: -
We, the undersigned residents of the Northern part of the City of Seattle having learned of a project to use Lake Union as a cess pool, and having also learned of a remonstrance having been presented to your Hon. Body against the use of said lake for such purpose, even temporarily, we wish to hereby add our protest in strong terms against any such action of the city authorities as many hundreds of persons are now forced to use water from said lake.
J D Hinckley
John B Denny
D L Denny
David Anderson
Isaac Woods
Henry Geisler
B.A. Anderson
T. Macklenbury
J.A. McAnslan
Chas. A Kelley
T. Washburn
John Stowllmann
E. Engelker
J. Morrison
A. Krug
W. Rittanhoff
John H. Mason
Thos. H Wistby
O W Peterson
J.F. Peterson
E.S. Baker
James G Hall
W B Denny
Wm Hammond
Susan H. Hammond
Wm. H. Hughes
Flora P. Hughes
Mrs. H. Gormley
Mrs. Geo. F. Cotterill
Emma Graves
Gertrude M. Peterson
Mrs. N. McCallan
Mr Wanderbank
O.P. Kingrun
Gust Sjagren
Mrs. Alice M Goldstein
James Gilfillan
J. M. Wheeler
Mrs. Dr. A.L. Sherman
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