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Alonzo Hall
Real Estate,
2405 1/2 Front Street

Seattle Washington, ....... 189

Petition of citizens of North Seattle:

We the undersigned residents and property
holders of North Seattle Fully realizing that
the present extension of the fire limits in
North Seattle is detrimental to the best interests
of the locality, petition your honorable
Body that the same be re-established on
the East and North as follows: The center of
Second Street in the East and the
center of Vine Street on the North and
recommend that on the opposite sides of streets
the center of streets are boundries that frame
buildings not exceed two stories in height
be permitted to be erected.

D. T. Denny
H W Wheeler
Alonzo Hull
Jn Morrison
Willis L Ames
Samuel P. Short
W. H. T Barnes
E. F. Shaffer
F. A. Johnson
John Hillman
H W Durant
Edwin W. Craven
L. S. Rowe

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