Seattle, W. T., August, 1885.
Remonstrance against the granting of a license for teh
sale of liquor on the east end of Jackson Street:
To the Hon. Mayor and Common Council of the City of
We, the undersigned, being either residents of
the First Ward of this City, or owners of property near the
place herein referred to, being informed that one Richard Pritch-
ard has made application to your Hon. Council for a license
to sell liquor at retail near the east end of Jackson
Street, would respectfully represent and petition as follows,:
That in the month of May 1884, the said Richard Pritchard applied
to this Hon. Body for a retail license for the sale of liquors
upon his premises near the east end of Jackson Street in this
City, that point being the last hill top toward Lake Washington
on said street. At that time two or three remon-
strances were filed with the City Clerk by residents and prop-
erty holders in that vicinity signed by about 200 persons
without regard to party or opinions strongly protesting against
the granting of any license for the sale of liquor in that vicin-
ity, and also setting forth that the said Pritchard had been
a keeper of a house of prostitution on Washington Street in this
City and that he had been convicted and fined as such by the Dis-
trict Court of this district, and also that the said petitioners
were informed and believed that the said Pritchard intended to
establish at the place where the said license was desired,
a resort for prostitutes and other persons whose presence would
be a great nuisance in the locality in question, which for many
years to come can be used only for private
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