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the residents of that portion of the City to establish a school
in the immediate vicinity of the premises of the said Pritchard
for the common education of their children.

That the property in the surrounding neighborhood
has not and will have for years to come, no value except for
residence purposes.

That the City keeps no police officer, either in the
day or night nearer than a mile and a half to the premises of
the said Pritchard.

We believe that a liquor business at the said place
will not be an accomodation[sic] to the said community nor to the
travelling public as there is no through travel on the said street,
to speak of, from any point beyond, and that it cannot be profit-
able to the said Pritchard unless he shall make it a resort
for persons and for purposes which would make it a public as
well as private nuisance in its neighborhood.

We believe that it would result in material damage
to the value of adjoining and surrounding property and
endanger the morals of youth whose parents have selected their
homes with a view of being free from such surroundings.

Wherefore, without regard to party or opinions upon
general questions of social reform or regulation, we the under-
signed most respectfully pray your Hon. Council to reject the
said application.

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