Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle
Oct 14 1890
To the House of Delegates! Gentlemen! The
Board of Aldermen are now organized as a
Body and ready to receive any Communication
your Honorable Body may have to make.signed
Geo W Hall Prest
H W Miller Clerk
In answer to your question regarding
the time of meeting the board of Alderman
have decided when they adjourn to take
a recess until Friday evening Oct 17/90
at 7:30 PM At the Old City Hall.
the Board of Aldermen request that your
body appoint a committee of 3 to confer
with a like committee consisting of Messrs
Snyder, Wilcox & Wald tp provide for the
furnishing ofthe new offices.
Geo W Hall Prest
H W Miller Clerk
Application of L M Garrison for the position
of Port Warden read & ref to the Board
of Public Works.
Committee Joint Resolution No 1 read and
laid over until next meeting
Recess taken until Firday on Oct 17/90
7:30 PM
H W Miller
City Clerk
per Wm B Drown
Approved Geo W Hall Dept
President B of A
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