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Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle

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On Bill No. 18. Coming up for its 3rd reading.
Motion was made to lay same on table. Carried.

The Judiciary Committee reported back
B of A Bill No. 10: An Ordinance authorizing
the Board of Public Works to purchase
materials, and B of A Bill No. 14 An Ordinance
constituting the City Clerk a :Purchasing
Agent for the various departments
and bureaus under the Freeholders Charter
and defining his duties as such Purchasing
Agent; recommending the B of A to go into
a Com of the Whole on the consideration
of the bill; On motion the report
adopted and Board resolved itself
into Committee of the Whole the
Rest. appointing F. W. D. Holbrook
Chairman. On Bill #10 being called
for 3rd reading. Alderman was moved
to strike out all of Section 2 and
insert as an amendment subject matter
more fully defining the purchases to be
made and the manner in which they should
be made. Motion carried; A motion was
then made that be be re-referred to
Judiciary Committee Council.

On Bill No. 14 being called for 3rd read-
ing Alderman Wilcox moved same
be laid on the table; carried. The
Committee of the Whole then arose
and reported as follows:
Mr. President, Your Committee of the
Whole to whom was presented the
Ordinance respecting the appointment
of Purchasing Agent are vesting such

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