Journal of the Proceedings of the
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Nov 6
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Purchaser in the Board of Public Works
(B of A Bill No.10) and the other in the
City Clerk (B of A Bill No. 14) respectfully
report that on consideration of the same
B of A Bill No. 10 was referred back to the
Judiciary Committee to have certain am-
endments incorporated and suitably
[engrossed?] while B of A Bill No. 14 was ordered
laid on the table; F. W. D. Holbrook
Committee of the whole.
On motion report was Adopted.
B of a Bill No. 15
An Ordinance appropriating money is now
on hand from the City Fund to other Fund as
was reported formerly on by the Judiciary
Committee and on 3rd reading was passed by the
following vote in favor Bogardus, Holbrook
Korn Miller Pontius Was and Mr. Prest.
8 against Wilcox 1. Bill passed and
same reported to H of D for concurrent action.
B of A Bill No. 19: Was introduced aco-
mpanied by the report of the Joint
Committee: An Ordinance authorizing the
Board of Public Works to make a report contact
with Benezette Williams for planning a system
of sewage for the City of Seattle, and to
secure his services as consulting Engineer
as a substitute for and to take the place
of a certain Contract entered into between
the said Benezette Williams and the City
of Settle on the 16th day of November 1889
and ratified by Ordinance No. 1274 entitled
An Ordinance to Ratify and Confirm
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