



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Journal of the Proceedings of the

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J. C. Nixon
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License Revenue Com: reported favorably
on the rebate asked by J. C. Nixon on license
of Hickock & Jally: report read and on motion
adopted granting said rebate. Same reported to
H of D for concurrent action.

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Report of
H & P Com.
J. F. [Bangs?]
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Report of Com on Health & Police to whom
was referred the matter of J. F. Bangs for
assistance reported that he be given
a ticket of transportation from Seattle
to St. George NB. Report read & adopted.
Same sent to H of D for concurrent action.

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Report of
Jud. Com.
Ex of City
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The Judiciary Com: to whom was referred
the petition for the extension of the
City limits reported as follows: To the
Prest. and Board of Aldermen: Your
Committee to whom was referred the peti-
tion for the extension of the City Limits
of the City of Seattle beg leave to report as
follows: The bounaries of the City of Sea-
ttle are already quite extensive: The pro-
posed extension takes in a large section
of Country North of a portion of the
present boundary: Section 9 of an Act
approved March 24th 1890 entitled An
Act providing for the Organization - Class-
-ification - incoporation and government
of Municipal Corporation provides that
the boundaries of the incorporation may be
altered and new territory included therein
upon compliance with the provisions of
Section 9 above referred to A petition
is to be presumed signed by not less
than one fifth (1/5) of the qualified Electors
of the old Coporation as shown by the vote

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