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Board of Aldermen of the City of Seattle

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Nov. 8
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Said position as Soil Engineer
and said settlement to be final and
cancel all contracts now existing -
Motion carried.

Alderman Wilcox moved that the
Ordinance pending be delayed
until the proposition from Mr.
Williams for a final settlement
be made. Carried.

Alderman Miller moved that the
Committee now rise to sit again and
report progress in the matter bef-
ore said Committee of the whole.

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Report of
Williams from
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Alderman Wilcox took the chair and
Chairman Hall reported reported
as follows: Your Committee of
the whole to whom was referred the
matter of reaching some settlement
as regards a certain contract now
existing between the City of Seattle
and Benezette Williams of Chicago for
services as Engineer of the Water Works
of said City under said contract, which
wish to report that the same was
under consideration and the said Benezette
Williams was requested to make another
proposition as to what he would
take in final settlement of the contract
between himself and the City, and if
his proposition be accepted the now
existing contract to be null & void.
On motion the report of tthe Committee
was adopted. The Board was then
dismissed to meet according ot a
former adjournment viz. Monday Eve.

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