Nov 11
Be it remembered that on this eleventh day of November
1881, the Common Council of the Seattle, meets in its
Chambers pusuant to law.
The following officers are present to wit: His Honor
the acting Mayor Jno Collins, Thos Clancy, Wm A Jennings
John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Chas McDonald.
A petition from R C Hartranft asking the Council
to remit to him the amount of license ordered collected
The Finance Committee returns Treasurers Report
which was ordered filed.
And now the Council proceeds to an election to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of J H McGra
as fire Warden, when R H Calligan was elected
to fill said vacancy.
Ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of Chas
McDonald upon the Fire Fund in the sum of $10.00
for the purpose of purchasing coal.
And now that Street Committee report upon the petition
of S S Rowe and others praying for the opening of
Pike Street from 9th to 11th Streets and along the 11th Street
to Pine Street, thereupon said petition is ordered laid
on the table indefinitely.
A report of the Health Officer regarding measures
for the prevention of the intruduction of small pox
was ordered filed.
Ordered that the City of Seattle quarantine against
the Cities of New Tacoma and Old Tacoma.
Ordered that the health Officer be and is hereby
instructed to enforse the Ordinance against the
introduction of small pox.
And now come the several persons herein after named
and make application for the licenses hereinafter
specified for the periods and from the dates herein
after set out; and at the same time said applicants
submit their several bonds in accordance with the
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