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19 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Ordered that the Treasurer be & he is hereby authorized to receive taxes levied by Ordinance 251 until December 15th 1881 and that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to notify all delinquents under said ordinance, that suit will be brought to collect all taxes remaining unpaid on said poll after December 15, 1881 Ordered that a warrant in the sum of $4.00 be & is hereby ordered issued in the Road Fund in [?] of Thomas McDonough for the reason that said McDonough is a non resident Ordered that a Gas Lamp be erected at the North West corner of Second & Marion Streets Ordered that the matter of constructing a side walk to connect with the 8th Street side walk, be & the same is hereby referred to the Street Committee with instructions to repair thereon at said meeting Ordered that the matter of Constructing a sidewalk in front of the W.C. Squire Block in Bell Town be & the same is hereby referred to the Street Committe with instruction to repair thereon at next meeting Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday evening December 9th 1881 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved Acting Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 9th day of December 1881 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following Officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor John Collins, and Councilmen Thos Clancy, M. Densmore, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer & Chas McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: the petition of Thos Lyle & others praying for the appointment of P. Brown as Special Police Officer is indefinitely post poned

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


20 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE A petition is secured from R. McCombs & others praying for the establishment and execution of a Gas Light at the South East of Seneca and 2nd streets; Whereupon the prayer of the petition is granted and a Gas Lamp is ordered erected as in said petition requested Ordered that the Quarantine measures now in force against New Tacoma be and they are hereby continued until further actions. Ordered that the Committee on Quarantine Measures be and they are hereby instructed & authorized to raise the Quarantine against New Tacoma whenever such action may be considered safe Ordered that the petition of Thomas Brotherhood for the remitting of a Road Poll Tax be granted; and that a Warrant Be issued in favor of said petitioner on the Road Fund in the sum of $4.00 Ordered the the petition of Edgar Bryan for the remitting of certain taxes be & is hereby laid on the table Ordered that the report of the Treasurer be received and order filed Ordered that the claim of F. H. Whitworth for surveys for 3rd Street sidewalk be referred to Councilmen Keenan, McDonald & Clancy Ordered that the Street Committee be and They are hereby Granted one weeks further time in which to report upon the matters of constructing certain sidewalks in South Seattle and a sidewalk in front of W. C. Squire's Block in Bell Town Ordered that the Marshall and Street Commissioners be and the are hereby instructed to open the Alley in Block 9 in Maynard's plat Ordered that the matter of wrongful assessment ofMrs. Briscoe be & the same hereby is referred to the Finance Committee Ordered that the Claim of Wm.H. Bow be and the same is hereby referred to the Finances now the City Attorney executed his report upon the [?] of citizen the pay Road Poll Tax [?] opinion is in the

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


21 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE effect that then is the repeal of any section of the City Charter upon that subject. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday evening December 16th 1881 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved Acting Mayor Be it remembered that on this the 16th day of December 1881 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment The following Offficers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor L. P. Smith and Councilmen John Collins, M. Densmore, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses Keezer, and Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had: A report is received from the Street Committee upon the advisability of building certain sidewalks; thereupon the report is received and ordered filed. The special Com tee returns the claim of F.H. Whitworth for services in making certain survey for 3rd street sidewalks without recommendations; thereupon it is ordered that a Warrant be drawn upon the Road Fund in Favor of said F.H. Whitworth in the sum of $5.00 in full for said claim The Claims of Waddell & Miles for repairs to gas pipes is ordered paid by Warrant drawn on the Gas Fund in the sum of $34.50 And now comes John Graff & makes application for a Grocery license for the period of 3 months from Dec 28 1881 thereupon his bond therefore approved and a license is ordered issued accordingly Ordered that a Gas Lamp be erected at the Corner of 4th and Cherry Streets Ordered that the tax assessor of Julius Linberg be referred to the Committee on Gas

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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