Ordered that the Ordinance Committee be and they are hereby instruc-
ted to resubmit at next meeting an Ordinance to provide for the
construction of a sidewalk in front of the property owned by Col.
Squire in Belltown.
Ordered that the County Treasurer be & he is hereby instructed
to correct the double assessment existing upon the City tax
roll against Mrs. Briscoe's name
And now the Finance Committe make the report
upon the petitions of C.R.Fosterand F.W. Westhoff and Frances
McDaniels; thereupon it is ordered that the petitions of ]]C.R.
Foster]] & F.W. Westhoff be rejected. And that a warrant be
drawn in favor of said Frances McDaniels for Road Roll Tax
And now Geo Kinnear and WmR.Brawley present
an ordinance to authorize them to construct and operate Street
Railways; thereupon the same is referred to the Committee on
And now the Ordinance Committee submits Ordinance
No 254 the same being "an Ordinance to provide for the Construc-
" tion of a sidewalk along the Northside of Main Street from the
" East side of Seventh Street to the East side of the alley between
" Fourth and Third street and from thence along the South side
" of said Main Street to the alley between Second and Commer-
" cial Streets there connecting with a side walk recently constructed
" by the proprietors of the Arlington Hotel": thereupon after due con-
sideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote: To wit:
In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan,
Keezer & McDonald Against adoption none.
And now the Street Committee make their report upon the
petition of W.Burnett & others, thereupon it is ordered that the obstructions
mentioned in said petition be removed that that the Dog Pound
be sold to the highest bidder
And now the Street Committe make their report upon
the petition of Sarah J. Plummer & others; thereupon it is ordered
That the Chief of Police be & he is hereby instructed to cause the
removal of the nuisance complained of.
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