more be & they are hereby appointed to a Committee to investigate
all matters pertaining to the City Cemetary
Ordered that the Council stand now adjournment until
Friday evening February 17th 1882
Attest: E S Osborne
L P Smith Mayor
Be it remembered that on the 17th day of February 1882 the Com-
mon Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pur-
suant to adjournment
The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor L P
Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm A
Jennings, John Keenan Moses Keezer & Charles McDonald
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:
And now a petition is received from James Gleason & others pray-
ing for the construction of a sidewalk on Jackson Street there-
upon the same is referred to the Street Committee
A petition is received from E A Turner & others praying for
the opening of Weller Street Thereupon the same if referred to
the Street committee
A petition is received from C P Stone & others praying for
the removal of the Bud Long Boat House & Boats from the South
side of the Columbia Street Incline; thereupon the prayer of
the petition is granted & it is ordered that the City Marshall
be & he is hereby instructed to cause such removal
And now come the persons hereinafter name and
make applications for the licenses herein after named from
the dates for the periods hereinafter specified; and at the same
time said applicants file their several bonds in accordance
with the Ordinance relative thereto. after due examination
said bonds are approved; and the said applicants make
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