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lot on Second Street where it is proposed to build said
Engine House & for plans & specifications for each building
Ordered that the matter of the new city map prepared
by S.L. Harris be referred to a Special Committee consisting of
Wm A. Jennings, M. Densmore and Chas McDonald.
Ordered that the council now stand adjourned until
Friday, April 21st 1882.
Attest: E S Osborne Clerk
Approved L P Smith Mayor
Be it remembered that on this the 21st day of
April A D 1882 the Common Council of the City of
Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjourn-
ment of April 14th A D 1882
The following officers are present, to wit:- His Honor
the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen John Collins, Wm A
, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Chas McDonald.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had:-
A petition is received from J A Wirth an others praying for
the construction of a sidewalk on Pine, 9th, Stewart, 10th
and virginia Streets, thereupon the same is referred to the
Street Committee.
A petition is received from Clark Anderson & Co and others
praying for the opening of Union Street from Front to West
Streets and thence to Pike, thereupon the same is referred
to the Street Committee.
The special Committeeto whichwas referred the matter
of grades submit, the following report towit:-
Seattle W T April 20th 1882
To His Honor the Mayor and Common Council

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