City of Seattle, Gentlemen;
We your Committee appointed in the matter
of Certain Grades in the City would report as follows,
1st That there be no alteration whatsoever in the
proposed Grade of Front Street
2nd That Second and Third Streets be graded togeth-
er under one contract
3rd That we recommend that Grading of Union
4th that we recommend Regulation Sidewalks on
both sides of above named Streets
5th That we would recommend that the city
Surveyor on the 1st Friday of each month shall ren-
der an account ot the City Council the amount of
work done on each street and that the sontractor
thereon shall receive sixty per cent of amount due
for work thereon. That the Contractor shall therefore
be entitled to Grade Script for said Sixty percent
6th That we recommend that all the above con-
tracts be given simutaneously
7th that all existing ordinances be replaced and
new ordinances enacted providing among other things
that all Contractors shall give bonds with ample
{Signed} Respectfully Submitted
Moses Keezer
John Collins
Wm A Jennings
Thereupon said report is adopted and the Ordinance
Committee is instructed to submit to the Council at its
next meeting Ordince to provide for the grading of
all the Streets mentioned in said report
Ordered that the matter of collecting certain sums
from parties who have used inclines to load brick and
stone fbe referred to the Fire Committee
Ordered that the Special Committee in Engine House
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