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be and they are hereby instructed to employ some com-
petent architect to draw plans and specifacations for a
new City Engine House and to submit the same
to the Council.

A report is received from the Fire Warden upon a
certain defect in Section 5 of Ordinance No 129; thereupon
the Ordinance Committee is instructed to submit an ordi-
nance amending said Section.

Ordered that the Council now stand adjourned until
Friday evening April 28th AD 1882.

Attest E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor

Be it remembered that on this the 28th day of April 1882
the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its
Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment of April 21st 1882.

The following offices are present, towit; His Honor,
the Mayor L P Smith and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, John
, M. Densmore, Wm. A. Jennings, John Keenan, Moses
and Charles McDonald.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had.

A petition is received from Cow Crater and others praying
that the City Council declare the Skating Rink in Yesler's Hall
a nuisance and order the same to be abated; referred to
the City Attorney.

A petition is received from Lind and others praying
for the construction of a sidewalk along the East side of 11th
from the South side of Jackson Street to the South side
of Weller Street, thereupon the Ordinance Committee instruct-
ed to submit an ordinance providing for the construction
of such sidewalk.

The Street Committee report on the petition of
Clarke Anderson & Co and others praying for the opening and
repairing of Union Street from Front to West Street; thence to
Pike Street thereupon the petition is granted an it is

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