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57 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE And now the Council proceeds to consider Ordinance No 269, the same being entitled as folowing to wit: "An Ordinance to amend Section Five of an Ordinance entitled "Ordinance No 129 relating to Fire Warden his powers and duties" After due consideration Said Ordinance is adopted by the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Thomas Clancy, John Collins, Wm A Jennings M Densmore, John Keenan, Moses Keezer and Charles McDonald. Against adoption, none Ordered that the Ordinance Committee be & they are hereby instructed to submit an Ordinance to provide for the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Washington Street from Second Street and to Fourth Street Ordered that the council now stands adjourned Attest; E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor

Be it remembered that on the the 5th day of May AD 1882, the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets pursuant to law. The following officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor L P Smith, and Councilmen Thomas Clancy John Collins, Wm A Jennings, John Keenan and Charles McDonald Thereupon the following proceedings are had A petition is received from R S Greene et at praying for the opening and widing of the extension of Madison Street, and the same is granted. Health Officer, Dr E L Smith submits the following report which is received and ordered placed on file. "To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council

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58 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE of the City of Seattle, W T Gentlemen I herewith submit the following quarterly report of the health department of this City The total number of deaths during the nine months which I have acted as health officer in the city including non-residents and still births is sixty one. Of these decedents seventeen were non-residents and two were stillbirths. Deducting these and we have but forty-two deaths among the actual residents of the City. Considering our population at five thousand this is an extremely low death rate, scarcely more than one half the average death rate of the larger cities in this country. Thirty nine births have been reported This is a low birth rate but I have good reason to believe that many births have not been reported. It may be that all accouchers in the city are not aware of the existance of Ordinance 244 There is very little sickness in the city at present I learn of an occasional case of measels or scarlatina but it seems more of a sporadic than an epidemic, or contagious character. Several nuisences have been abated and several more have come to my knowledge which will soon be corrected. (signed) Very Respectfully E L Smith MD Health Officer The reports of trh Street Commission City Justice and Fire Warden for the month of April are received and ordered to be filed The Report of the City Treasurer for April is reeived and referred to the Finance Committee The Reports of County Tresurer Geo D Hill as Collection of Delinquent City taxes for 1880 and 1881 is received and referred to the Finance Committee And now come the persons herein after named and make application for the licenses herein after named from the dates and for the periods herein after specified and at the same time said applicants file their several

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59 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE SEATTLE bonds in accordance with the Ordinance relative thereto After due examination said bonds are approved and the said applicants making due proof that they are persons of good moral character it is therefore ordered that upon their compliance with all the other provisions of said Ordinance the cler be and her hereby is instructed to issue licenses to said applicants for the periods and purposes following to wit: Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement French & Co Wholesale Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 August Wolff 1 Pool Table 6 mos May 13 - 1882 do 1 Pigeon Hole Table 6 mos May 13 - 1882 do Grocery 6 mos May 15 - 1882 Louis Sylvania Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 [Thomas Smith]] do do 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do do do 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Thomas & C F Clancy 2 Billiard Tables 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Smith & Farmer 1 Billiard Table 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Adam Ihrig 1 Pigeon Hole Table 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do Grocery 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Conrad Brehm do 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do 1 Pigeon Hole Table 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Flynn & Anderson Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do 1 Billiard Table 3 mos May 8 - 1882 J C Nixon Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do 2 Billiard Tables 3 mos May 8 - 1882 John Collins Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 A F Hill do 3 mos May 8 - 1882 do 1 Billiard Table 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Andrew Slorah Grocery 3 mos May 8 - 1882 Frank Peters Retail Liquor 3 mos May 8 - 1882 John H Harrell do 3 mos May 8 - 1882

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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60 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE List of Licenses continued Name Description of License Term Date of Commencement Lester & Pritchard Retail Liquor 3 mos May 17 - 1882 Beer & Kinner Retail Liquor 3 mos May 10 - 1882 Thomas Osgood do 3 mos May 16 - 1882 Margaret Sullivan Grocery 3 mos May 13 - 1882 Funk & Crasson do 3 mos May 15 - 1882

Ordered that the Clerk be and he hereby is instructed to draw warrants to the amount of $247.85 to satisfy the judgement on the case of Flowers -v- The City of Seattle The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drwan on the funds and in the amounts as follows to wit: City Fund E L Smith Health Office Salary No52 50.00 S F Coombs Fees as CIty Justice 53 7.05 E S Osborne Salary 41.67Funds per bill on file 5.55 54 47.22 William Bowles Cleaning Jails 55 6.00 Ben Thompson Salary as policeman 56 40.00 J M Hall City Atty Salary 57 41.67 H S Crocker & Co Tax Roll etc 58 55.10 Frank Seidel City Assesser Salary 59 187.50 James Welch Policeman Salary 60 80.00 John Baker do do 61 40.00 Seattle Chronicle Printing 62 37.02 A C Bowman Services as Stenographer 63 5.00 D L McCowan Policeman Salary 64 80.00 J H Woolery Lime and Salt 65 1.25 J H Woolery Chief Police Salary 66 100.00 Road Fund R H Calligan St.Labor 87.50Horse Use 24.00 Board 6.50 No30 118.00 Robert Russell Lumber 31 4.50 Luther Alber Street Labor 32 57.50 John L Kohaly Teaming 33 4.75 Thomas Rock Street Labor 34 57.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 35 50.50

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James Campbell Street labor No36 56.45 F W Wusthoff Hardware 37 9.30 Fire Fund T D Hinkley Ground Rent No 28 8.00 F W Wusthoff Mdse per bill of file 29 1.15 Waddell & Miles do 30 3.00 W A Perry Care of Engine 31 75.00 E R Clarke Hauling Engine 32 10.00 J McGinnis Hauling Coal 34 .50 Charles McDonald To Buy Coal for Engine 33 10.00 Gas Fund Waddell & Miles Hardware and Labor No11 3.25 Seattle G L Co Gas 10 234.65 Geo W Metlar Gas Burner 9 21.60 Geo W Boardman painting 12 7.50

And now the Ordinance Committee submits Ordinance No 270 the same being entitiled as follows to wit: "An Ordinance granting unto James McCoombs and his associated and to their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the rights to lay water pipes in all atreets and alleys and parts of streets and alleys which lie North of Madison Street in the City of Seattle." After due consideration said Ordinance os adopted by the following vote to wit: In favoe of adoption Councilmen Clancy, Collins, Jennings, Keenan and McDonald. Against adoption, none. An Ordinance providing for the widening and extending of Madison Street is submitted to the Council and referred to the Ordinance committee And now the Ordinance Committee submit Ordinance No 271 the same being entitled as follows to wit: A Special Ordinance toprovide for the grading and improvement of a Portion of Second, Pike, Third and Mill Streets, in the City of Seattle County of King and Territory of Washington. After due

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