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James Campbell Street labor No36 56.45
F W Wusthoff Hardware 37 9.30
Fire Fund
T D Hinkley Ground Rent No 28 8.00
F W Wusthoff Mdse per bill of file 29 1.15
Waddell & Miles do 30 3.00
W A Perry Care of Engine 31 75.00
E R Clarke Hauling Engine 32 10.00
J McGinnis Hauling Coal 34 .50
Charles McDonald To Buy Coal for Engine 33 10.00
Gas Fund
Waddell & Miles Hardware and Labor No11 3.25
Seattle G L Co Gas 10 234.65
Geo W Metlar Gas Burner 9 21.60
Geo W Boardman painting 12 7.50

And now the Ordinance Committee submits
Ordinance No 270 the same being entitiled as follows
to wit: "An Ordinance granting unto James McCoombs
and his associated and to their heirs, executors, ad-
ministrators and assigns, the rights to lay water
pipes in all atreets and alleys and parts of streets
and alleys which lie North of Madison Street
in the City of Seattle." After due consideration
said Ordinance os adopted by the following vote
to wit: In favoe of adoption Councilmen Clancy,
Collins, Jennings, Keenan and McDonald. Against
adoption, none.
An Ordinance providing for the widening and
extending of Madison Street is submitted to the
Council and referred to the Ordinance committee
And now the Ordinance Committee submit
Ordinance No 271 the same being entitled as
follows to wit: A Special Ordinance toprovide
for the grading and improvement of a Portion of Second,
Pike, Third and Mill Streets, in the City of Seattle
County of King and Territory of Washington. After due

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