granted to Goldberg and Vena for Retail Liquors, Charles Ander-
son for Retail Liquors and to Carner and Whiting for a Bowling Alley. Adopted
and licenses ordered issued.
The following claims having been duly audited by the Coum-
cil are indeed paid by Warrants drawn on the Funds and in the amounts
following towit:
City Fund
W. E. Boone plans and specifications for Engine House No 173 $262.50
L.B. Andrews appraiser Madison St Extension 174 $20.00
D. M. Crane appraiser Madison St Extension 175 $15.00
J.E. Houghton appraiser Madison St Extension 176 $15.00
total $312.50
And now the Council proceeds to open the bids for attending
the Street lamps, which bids read as follows, towit:
J. C. Floyd per lamp for month $1.20
Lewis McMillan per lamp for month $1.40
H. G. Thomton per lamp for month $1.25
John Baker per lamp for month $1.50
P. Brumm per lamp for month $1.00
James Bogart per lamp for month $1.40
J. L. Kahaley per lamp for month $1.00
Ordered that foregoing bids be referred to the Gas Light Com.
And now in pursuance to the order duly made on September
1st 1882 the Council proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment
Roll for Front Street grade made in pursuance to Ordinance No
284 etc to hear all complaints touching said roll, pending which
the matter if said consideration is laid over until Tuesday evening
September 5th 1882 of 1/2 o'clock p.m.
And now in pursuances, to the order duly made on Septem-
ber 1st 1882 the Council proceeds to examine & equalize the assessment
roll for 2d, 3d, and other streets graded & improvement made in pursuance to Ordi-
nance No 288 & to hear all complaints touching said roll, pending
which the matter of said consideration is laid over until Tuesday
evening September 5th 1882 at 1/2 o'clock p.m.
And now in pursuance to the order duly made in Sep-
tember 1st 1882 the Council proceeds to examine and equalize the
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