Oct 6/82 Orderd that His Honor the Mayor be added to said committee & that they
have 1 week's further time in which to report a uniform.
From Judiciary and Legislative approving report of "City
Justices" adopted
From Judiciary and Leislative apporving City Attorney's report
From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that
the contract for sidewalk on Pine & 9th Streets under Ordinance
No 281 be awarded to A S Pinkham on his bid of $582.80
Adopted & City Attorney instructed to prepare the proper bond
& Contract
From Streets and Street Improvements on the matter of the
bids for grading Washington Street. Recommended with instruc-
tions to report in One Week.
From Streets and Street Improvements recommendings that the
contract for sidewalk on Front Street Under Ordinance No 304
be awarded to Hoole and Simpson on their bid of $17.75 per M
feet BM [thousand board feet] Adopted and City attorney instructed to prepare
proper contract and bond.
From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that a
contract for sidewalks on Stewart, 10th, & Virginia Streets under
Ordinance No 280 be awarded to A S Pinkham on his bid
of $511.00 Adopted and that the City Attorney is hereby hereby
instructed to prepare the proper Contract and Bond
From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that
the contract for 7th Street sidewalk under Ordinance No 303
be awarded to J J McGilvra on his bid of $450.00 Adopted
& City Attorney instructd to prepare the proper Contract & Bond.
From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that the
grade line of south 2d Street be changed. Adopted and Judic-
iary and Legislative Committee instructed to submit the proper
From Streets and Street Improvements recommending that the
contract for the King Street Sidewalk under Ordinance No
be awarded to D S Hill on his bid of $490.00
Adopted and City Attorney instructed to prepare the proper
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