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Dec 10/82 and a small part of Water Street. Granted upon condition that
said petitioner shall vacate said Streets after 60 days notice to
that effect.
Communications and Reports Received
From His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve returning an Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance for extending the time for the completion of
the contracts for grading Front, Union, Second and Third Streets" with-
out his approval and with his objections in writing to such approval
which objections read as follows, to wit:
"Office of the Mayor of the City of Seattle December 1882
to the Hon. Common Council of the City of Seattle
Gentlemen. I return without any approval the Ordinance
passed by your Hon. body on December 8th 1882 granting to the con-
structors for grading Front, Union, Second and Third Streets an ex-
tension of time for the completion of their contract. I do not
think that the interests of the City are sufficiently guarded by its
provisions. Section three of the Ordinance provides that it shall not
take effect until said contractors shall have filed with the City
Clerk a relinquishment in waiting of six weeks interest upon
all scrip issued to them upon said contracts. This Section is
liable to two objections. In the first place the scrip issued to the
contractors may be in the hands of third parties on which event
the contractors would not be in position to make the relinquis-
ment. In the second place, this ordinance modifies to some
extent the original contract for said improvements the performance
of which is secured by the bond of the contractors and their sureties.
Hence there ought to be a provision in this ordinance requiring
the Contractors and their sureties to file a written acceptance
of the provisions of the Ordinance and an agreement that the
contract may be modified in the manner provided. I recommend
that instead of a relinquishment of the interest by the contractor as
provided, the amount of such interest so computed be deducted
from the final payment of the contractors.
Very Respetfully
H. G. Struve Mayor"

Ordered that the matter of said objectoins be and is hereby referred

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