Dec 15/82 to the City Attorney
From Health Officer submitting a report for 4 months ending
December 1 1882. Approved
From City Surveyor submitting estimates of the cost of the proposed
planking of portions of Commercial, Jackson, Main, Mill, South
2d and Front Streets. Approved.
Ordered that the City Attorney submit proper ordinances for
the grading and planking of the following streets or portions thereof, to wit:
Planking Commercial from the south side of Mill to the north line of King
Planking Jackson from the alley west of Commercial to Commercial
Planking Main from the alley west of Commercial to Commercial Planking Mill from present planking east to east side of Front
Grading South 2d from north side of Main to the Wharf
Planking South 2d from north side of Main to Wharf
Grading Main from Commercial to 2d
Planking Main from Commercial to 2d
Grading Jackson from Commercial to 2d
Planking Jackson from Commercial to 2d
Grading Front from Mill to Madison
Planking Front from Mill to Madison
The vote on said order is as follows, to wit: In favor of said
order Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald and Manning. Against
said order none.
From City Surveyor submitting comparative
estimates of a wood and brick cutter corner of 3rd and Marion
Streets. Referred to the Committee on Fire and Water Supply.
Committees Reports Received
From Health and Police rejecting the petition of Francis C.
Vickery with reference to the removal of rubbish etc. Adopted
and petition denied.
From Finance approving the reports of the Treasurer and Clerk.
From Streets and Street Improvements rejecting the petitions of G. C. Phinney.
Adopted and petitions denied.
From Streets and Street Improvements finding that the property
of John Leary, to wit: Lots 5 & 8 in Block 11 of Boren's plat is
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