Dec 15/82 "Ordinance for extending time for the completion of the contracts for
grading Front, Union, Second and Third Streets." After due consider-
ation said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In
favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald and Manning.
Against adoption none.
Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Tuesday
December 19 1882.
Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
Dec 19/82 Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of December 1882 the
Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to adjournment.
The following Officers are present, His Honor Acting Mayor
Councilman John Collins and Councilmen O. F. Cosper,
Fred Gasch,Chas F. McDonald and G. L. Manning.
Thereupon the following proceedings are had
Petitions Received
From Pumphrey and Lowman et al for a standing place for
teams. Referred to the City Attorney.
Committees Reports Received
From Fire and Water Supply approving the estimate of the
Surveyor for a brick cistern corner 3rd and Marion Streets.
Laid over.
From Fire and Water Supply recommending an additional
section to the proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 278 reser-
ving the right to the City to purchase certain water works. Adopted
and referred to the City Attorney to make such amendment and
fixing the date of such purchase after 10 years.
From Gas Lights submitting a plan for a gas lamp
post. Referred to Gas Comtee. for a new contract and bond
to be executed by Washington Iron Works for such
post as former rates of compensation.
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