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Jan. 5/83 Special Orders of the Day
And now in pursuance to the notice duly published, the Coun-
cil proceeds to the correction & equalization of the assessment
roll for the Union Street Sidewalk under Ordinance No 324
and Filed Nov. 20, 1882. Whereupon no complaints being made
against said roll or any individual assessment therein
and the Council after due examination finding said roll to be correct and the vaulations
of property therein to be equal and uniform. It is ordered that the
said assessment roll to be & is hereby approved & declared to be
the assessment roll for such improvement.
And now in pursuance to the notice duly published,
the Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the
assessment roll for the Jackson Street Improvement under
Ordinance No. 325 and Filed Nov. 20, 1882. Whereupon no
complaints being made against said roll or any individ-
ual assessment therein, and the Council after due exam-
ination finding said roll to be correct and the valuations of
property therein to be equal & uniform. It is ordered
that the said assessment roll be and is hereby approved and
declared to be the assessment roll for such improvements.
And now in pursuance to the notice duly published,
the Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the
assessment roll for the Washington Street Sidewalk
under Ordinance No. 326 and Filed Nov. 20, 1882. Whereupon
no complaints being made against said roll or any in-
dividual assessment therein, and the Council after due
examination finding said roll to be correct and the valuations
of property therein to be equal and uniform. It is ordered
that the said assessment roll be and is hereby approved and
declared to be the assessment roll for such improvements.
And now in pursuance to the notice duly published
the Council proceeds to the correction & equalization of the asses-
sment roll for the Jackson Street Sidewalk under Ordinance
No. 335 and Filed Nov. 29, 1882. Whereupon no complaints
being made against or any individual assessment
therein, and the Council after due examination finding said

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