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231 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 6/83 Be it remembered that on this the 6th day ofApril 1883 the Common Cuncil of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to the law. The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Acting Mayor Councilman JohnCollins and councilmen O F Charles F Clancy, Charles McDonald & U M Rasin Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions received From J D Smith et al for the opening of 7th Street from Pike to the City limits North. Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From Geo H Lockerby et al for the appointment of Policemen for North Seattle. Referred to the Committee on Health & Police From W N Bell et al for the right to erect a Veranda, referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From O Ranke et al for the Improvement of Pike Street from the alley between 3rd & 4th streets to 8th Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From Geo D Snow et al for a gas Lamp corner of Cherry and 2d Streets. Referred to Comtee on Gas Lights From L Stenhouse for the right to munber the buildings. Referred to the Committee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds From W E Jones et al for raising a sidewalk on Front Street Referred to the Committee on Streets & Street Improvements From H L Yesler for the right to construct a sidewalk around Block 33. Granted on the condition othat the Contractors on 3rd Street Grade give their Consent to same Reports received & Filed Attorney, Treasurer's General, Harbor Master, Clerk & City Justice Reports Received & Referred Treasurer's General, Treasury on Stewart et al Sidewalk & Washington Street Sidewalk referred to Finance Comtee, Street Commissioner referred to Streets, E A Turner on Rents collected referred to Finance Reports of Committees Received

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


232 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 6/83 From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the letting of the Contract for the Madison Street sewer to Keenen & Cummings From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the letting of the contract for the Improvement of Spring Street from theAlley between 3rd & 4th Streets to 7th Street to Keenen & Cummings on their bid. Adopted. bond of Contractors fixed in the sum of $2500.00 From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the removall of rubbish in the alley in Block 7 of Maynard's plat. Adopted & City Marshall is hereby instructed to remove such rubbish Apr 6/83 From Streets and Street Improvements recommending the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Mill Street from South 2d to South 4th Street. Ordered filed From Finance recommending the curtailing of the expenses of Engineering on Improvements. Adopted From Public Buildings & Property and Grounds submitting plans for an Engine House on Columbia Street. Laid over until next meeting. From Finance recommending the rejection of the claim of W W Holcomb. Adoptedclaims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following towwit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 325 $ 90. J H Woolery Chief of Police 326 100. D L McCowan Police 327 80. W B Thompson Police 328 80. James Welch Police 329 80. A H Manning Police 330 80. C H Hanford Atty 332 75. T H Cann J P Fees 333 16.10 Chronicle Printing 334 68.40 L Hanford & Co Job Printing 335 18.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


233 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE April 6/83 C Hanford & Co Job Painting No 336 $ 7. Pumphrey & Lowman Tax Roll etc. 337 5.25 Cochran & Roff Team Numbers 338 5.80 D A Jennings Rope & broom 339 4.30 Waddell & Miles Lanterns 340 3. L Neuman Repairing Lock etc 341 4. F W Wusthoff Leg Irons 342 7.50 Road Fund P Quigley Hauling ballast No 164 $ 80. P Quigley Labor with team 165 54. Henry Sheahan Street Labor$91Using Horse$36 166 127. Thomas Rock Street Labor 167 65. M J Costello Street Labor 168 61.25 Stephen Berry Street Labor 169 60. Luther Albee Street Labor 170 55. James Gleason Street Labor 171 50. James Campbell Street Labor 172 48.75 Thomas McNara Street Labor 173 22.50 M Kehoe Street Labor 174 16.25 Stetson & Post Lumber 175 96.52 G P McFaden Labor with Team 176 39. G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 177 7. W D Scott & Co Wfg on ballast 178 50. W D Scott & Co Wfg on Ballast 179 27.50 D L McCowan Prisoner's board 180 20. Gladding McBean & Co Sewer Pipe 181 781.60 John Paul burying dog 182 1. Louis Jacobs removing carcass 183 1. J H Woolery removing carcass 184 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lights Co gas No 41 $230.30 J L Kahaley Attend lights 42 38. Schwabacher Bros & Co oil 43 2.25 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward No 149 $ 75. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co suction hose 150 48.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


234 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE April 6/83 Charles McDonald Freight on hose No 151 $ 1.50 L Miller Hauling engine 152 5. L Neuman screws etc. 153 2.25 R H Calligan hauling coke 154 3. F W Wusthoff waste etc. 155 2. E Ulin Repairs Washton Street Incline 156 3. Columbia Street Sidewalk Ord 354 F H Whitworth Engineering No 191 $ 20. Marion Street Sidewalk Ord 364 F H Whitworth Engineering No 202 $ 20. James B Henderson Contract work 203 596.25 The claim of Stewart & Ebersold for $18.00 is rejected Licenses Granted The following application for Licenses having been duly approved by the Committee on License & Revenue, licenses are ordered issued on accordance with such applications to wit: D J McKinney Retail liquor J M King Retail liquor J M King 1 Pigeon Hole Table T B Timony Retail liquor J W Wilson Retail liquor Peter Anderson & Co Retail liquor Geo Meister Retail liquor Frank Peters Retail liquor Joe Francisco Retail liquor Jacob Bersch Grocery Jacob Bersch 1 Pigeon Hole Table & 2 Pool Tables Special Orders of the Day And now the Surveyor submits the Plans, Specifications & Estimates For the improvement of Washington Street under the Ordinance No369 thereupon after due examination the same are approved And now the Surveyor submits the Plans, Specification & Estimates for the improvement of South 2nd Street under the Ordinance No 369; thereupon after due examination of the same are approved And now in pursuance to the notice duly published in Council

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


235 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE April 6/83 proceeds to the correction and equalization of the following assessment Roll Filed March 22, 1883 to wit: James Street Improvement, Cherry Street Improvement, Columbia Street Improvement, Spring Street Improvement, (Front to alley) and Spring Street Improvement ( alley between 3d & 4th to 7th)all under Ordinance No 365. Pending which the matter of such consideration is laid over until Saturday April 14, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm. Ordinances Received From J R Lewis & others to authorize the construction of street railways. Referred to the Legislative & Judiciary comtee. From Edgar Bryan et al to authorize the laying of Water pipe. Referred to Legislative & Judiciary Committee From Legislative & Judiciary Committee submitting 3 Ordinances each being entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" After due consideration said Ordinances are adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Clancy, McDonald, Rasin. Against Adoption none. Miscellaneous Ordered that the matter of Madison Street sewer be laid over until next meeting Ordered that the claim of M V B Stacy be referred to Comtee on Publi Buildings Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Saturday April 14, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm attest E S Osborne clerk Approved M V Struve mayor

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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