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248 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 23/83 Ordered that Thomas Clancy be & he is hereby authorized to construct a sidewalk on the south side of Washington Street from South 3rd to South 4th Street. Ordinances Received The Judiciary and Legislative Committee submit an ordina-nce entitled "To provide for grading a portion of Pike Street and for constructing sidewalks in said street." After due con-sideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: in favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald, & Rasin. Against adoption none. The City Attorney submits an ordinance to provide funds to pay for grading & improvement on 2d, 3rd, & Intersecting Streets. Laid over until next meeting. Ordered that the council stand now adjourned. Attest: W. S. Osborne Clerk Approved U M Rasin Acting Mayor May 4/83 Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of May 1883 the Common Council of the city of Seattle meets in its council chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, towit: Councilmen John Collins, O. F. Cosper, Charles F. Clancy, Fred Gasch, Charles McDonald, G. H. Manning and U. M. Rasin By reason of the absence from the city of His Honor the Mayor H.G. Struve councilman U. M. Rasin is elected to the position of acting mayor to serve during such absence Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Recieved From Jacon Brum et al for opening alley west of Front Street from Marion to Union. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From C. R. Hanford et al for opening 9th, Stewart, 10th &

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


249 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4/83 Virginia Streets. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Baptist Sunday School for refunding Concert license paid. Granted. From R. C. Graves et al for grading 8th Street from Pike to Olive. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From Moses Keezer for the right to pile lumber in Cherry Street Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From S. B Jackson for vacating alley in Block 56 Maynard's Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Grace Jacklin for an investigation as to damages done by grade to Lots 9 + 12 Block 43 Dennys. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Seattle Literary, M&D Society for refunding concert license paid. Granted From Bailey Gatzert et al for grading 9th Street from Seneca to Mill. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improve ments From B. F. Briggs for modifying grade on Spring Street Referred to Committee on Streets + Street Improvements + Surveyor From O. G. Root et al for raising Sidewalk on Front Street Referred to the Comtee on Streets and Street Improvements Reports Received and Referred Attorney to Judiciary and Legislative; Clerk & Treasurer to Finance; Surveyor submitting profiles of gradelines East of 7th Street, From Surveyor showing work done on Upper & lower Spring Street grades & Cherry Street grades - all referred to Streets; Health Officer to Health & Police; Harbor Master to Harbor & Wharves; Fire Warden to Public Buildings, Property & Grounds. Committees Reports Recd From Judiciary & Legislative asking further time on Street Railway Ordinance & on petition of H. Jones. Granted From Finance approving Clerks Statement of Cost of 2d, 3rd

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


250 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 4/83 & intersecting Streets grade & Sidewalk. Adopted From Streets recommending the opening of 10th Street from Pine to Virginia. Adopted From Streets respecting the petition of Edwin Eells for lowering 3rd Street. Adopted and petition rejected. From Streets recommending a special assessment to pay for opening Alley West of Front Street from Marion to Union. Re-referred. From Streets recommending the grading of Seneca Street from Alley between 3rd & 4th to alley between 6th & 7th. Re-referred. From Streets recommending that proceedings be had to compel property owners on Front Street to protect their property from damaging the Street. Referred to Attorney From Judiciary & Legislative approving the report of the City Justice. Adopted Licenses Granted Smith & Farrar Retail & 2 Billiard tables John Collins Retail Thos Smith Retail Pritchard &Lester Retail R. Pritchard Retail John Feigh Retail Flynn & Anderson Retail & 1 Billiard table Margaret Sullivan Grocery Geo. C. Thompson Retail L. S. Rowe Retail Wm Grosc Retail James Vergon Retail & 1 Pigeon Hole table Geo. W. Walsh Grocery Charles Ross Grocery Louis Sylvania Retail J. F. Trana & Co Retail Aug. Mattson Retail Applications for Licenses Referred C. P. Chamberlin for Retail to Licenses & Revenue

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


251 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE May 4/83 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds in the amounts following to wit: City Fund Frank Seidel Assessor No 347 $187.50 E L Smith Health Officer 348 125. J H Woolery Chief of Police 349 100. E S Osborne Clerk 350 90. D L McCowan Police 351 80. W B Thompson Police 352 80. James Welsh Police 353 80. A H Manning Police 354 80. C H Hanford Atty 355 75. J C Floyd Police 356 40. Chronicle Printing 357 29.07 D L McCowan J P Fees 358 23. Seattle Telephone Exchange Use of telephone 359 20. Seattle Literary M&D SocietyLicense remitted 360 10. Baptist Sunday School License remitted 361 5. Road Fund Henry Sheahan Street Labor $87.50 Horse Hire $37.50 No 186 $125. Stetson & Post Lumber 187 112.88 Thomas Rock Street Labor 188 58.75 James Campbell Street Labor 189 56.25 Luther Albee Street Labor 190 52.50 [D L McCowan]] Prisoners food 191 26. Stephen Berry Street Labor 192 40. John McElroy Street Labor 193 16.25 G P McFaden Hauling Lumber 194 9.25 James Brennan Repairing Cart etc 195 8. M J Costello Street Labor 196 6.25 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 188 1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co Gas No 46 $ 247.90 John Spencer Iron lamposts etc 47 81.

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


252 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE May 4/83 Washington Iron Works lamposts No 48 $44. J L Kahaley attend lights 49 41. Fire Fund W A Perry Engine Steward No 160 $75. Charles McDonald to purchase Coal 161 25. Waddell & Miles hose etc. 162 9. R H Calligan Hauling Coal 163 2. Spring St (alley betw 3d& 4th to 7th) Grade Ord 365 Keenan & Cummings Contract Work Nos 206 & 207 $893.85 F H Whitworth Engineering 208 75.50 2d,3rd,& Intersecting Streets Grade Ord 288 F H Whitworth Engineering No 209 $277.50 Spring St (Front to alley betw Front & 2nd)Grade Ord 365 G N Alexander Contract Work No 210 $226.06 Cherry St (Front to alley betw Front & 2nd) Grade Ord 365 G N Alexander Contract Work No 211 $116.25 F H Whitworth Engineering 212 20. Miscellaneous And Now HisHonor the ActingMayor appoints a special committee on Columbia Street Engine House to wit: Councilmen O F Cosper, G L Manning & Fred Gasch And now Councilman John Collins tenders his resignation as a member of the Committee on Public Buildings & Property & Grounds; thereupon the same is accepted. Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings, Property & Grounds be & they are hereby instructed to examine the Engine House on South 3rd Street & to cause Specifications to be made by a Competent Architect in order to finish such building. And now the Surveyor submits Plans Specification & Estimates for the Improvement of Pike Street inaccordance with Ordinance No 375 Laid over untilnext meeting Ordinances Rec'd From Attorney entitled "To provide for the levying and collecting of a special tax for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the grading and improvement of a section of Second, Third, Mill, Jefferson, James, Cherry, Columbia, Marion, Madison, Spring, Seneca, University, Union

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