June 1/83 J. L. Kahaley hauling lumber No 217 $1.
John J. Cummings & Co laying sewer Madison Street 218 949.50
Gas Fund
Seattle Gas Lights Co Gas No. 50 $277.70
J. L. Kahaley attending lights 51 44.
John Spencer repairing gas mains 52 33.85
Fire Fund
W.A. Perry Steward of Engine House No. 164 $75.
L. Miller Hauling Engines 165 15.
L. Miller Hauling Engines 166 11.
J.F. T. Mitchell repairs Washington St Incline 167 10.08
L. Neuman work on Fire Engine 168 6.
Young & McKeon pipe etc at Engine House 169 3.95
F.W. Wusthoff rubber & sundries for Fire Dept 170 3.35
John Sterns services on Engine 171 3.
Albert Cutler cleaning horse 172 2.50
Wald & Campbell cotton waste 173 1.
South 2d Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369
G.N. Alexander grade contract work Nos. 217 and 220 $1703.12
S.G. Simpson sidewalk 221 263.68
Spring Street Grade (alley betw 3d and 4th to 7th) Ord 365
Keenen & Cummings contract work Nos. 222 to 226 $2570.56
Washington Street Improvement Fund Ord. 369
S.G. Simpson sidewalk No. 227 $476.76
S. F. Hoole grade Nos. 228 to 232 1001.94
Ordinances Received
From Harbor & Wharves submitting an Ordinance entitled "Authoriz-
ing and empowering the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad Company
or its assigns to erect and maintain a Wharf or Roadway access Main and
Jackson Streets five hundred and forty feet west of Commercial Street in the
City of Seattle; therepon after due consideration the same is adopted
upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald,
Manning & Rasin. Against adoption none.
From Judiciary and Legislative submitting 2 Ordinances each being entitled
"A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills." There-
upon after due consideration said Ordinances are adopted upon the
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