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June 18/83
From Streets recommending the granting of the petitionof E
et al. Laid over
From Public Buildings, Properties & Grounds recommending the
granting of the petition of B F Day. Consideration postponed
From Licenses & Revenue approving Clerk's Report on taxations
From Streets recommending the vacating of the alley in Block
19 of Boren's plat
. Adopted & Attorney instructed to submit
an ordinance therefor.
Communications Rec'd
From J G Kenyon notifying to Council to refrain from
trespassing on Lot 2 Block C of A A Denny's Plat. Referred
to the City Attorney.
Licenses Granted
The following licenses are ordered issued from the date &
for the term, towit:
Aug LeBallister & Co Retail for 3 months from June 22'83
Blanchard & Co Wholesale for 12 months from June 12'83
Blanchard & Co Retail for 12 months from June 12'83
Ang Mehlhorn 1 pigeon hole table 6 months from June 12'83
Special Orders of the Day
Ordered that the Clerk be & he is hereby instructed to give 10
days public notice as required by law that a general election
for all City Officers of the City of Seattle will be held on Monday
July 9, 1883
The Officers to be elected are one Mayor, one Marshall, two
Councilmen for First Ward, Three Councilmen for the Second
Ward and two Councilmen for the Third Ward.
The places hereby designated for holding said election and the
Officers hereby appointed to conduct the same are as follows, to wit:
First Ward
Election to be held at the Office of T H Cann Esq a Justice
of the Peace in Washington Street
Inspector H S Alger, Judges C P Farrar & James
. Clerk Robt Allen & Frank Skinner
Special Policemen H G Thornton, Wm Davis

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