June 28/83
Cribbing per sq yd $3.25
sidewalks per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $16.90
Box drains per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $20.00
Piling per lineal foot 23cents
Capping, stringers & Covering per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $20.75
Geo N Alexander Earthwork per cu yd 45 cents
sidewalks per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $16.90
Box drains per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $21.00
Piling per lineal foot 24&1/2 cents
Wharf lumber per M B.M.[thousand board feet] $21.40
Ordered that said bids be & are hereby referred to a Comtee
to wit: McDonald, Clancy & Gasch
And now the surveyor submits the Plans and Specifica-
tions for the Improvement of Madison Street under Ordinance
No 406, thereupon after due examination the same are
Committees Reports Rec'd
From Comtee on bids awarding the contract for the Improve-
ment of Jackson Street under Ordinance No 398 to Geo.
N Alexander upon his bid upon executing a Bond in
the sum of $15000. Adopted & Contract so awarded.
From Comtee on bids awarding the contract for the grading
of Pike Street from Front to the alley between Front & Second
& for sidewalks on both sides of Pike Street from Front to
3rd, under Ordinance No 400 to D S Hill upon his
bid upon executing a Bond in the sum of $500. Adopted
& Contract so awarded
Ordinance Rec'd
From City Attorney submitting an Ordinance entitled
"To provide for lighting the Streets of the City of Seattle and fixing
the limits within which property shall be subject to a special
tax for Gas Light" Thereupon after due consideration the
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