Aug 6/83
the alley between Front and Second Streets. Referred to Streets.
From the Clerk for an assistant to complete Tax Roll. Referred
to Finance
From Murphy and Stewart for applying $250.00 retained by City
on a/c of forfeit heretofore made on a/c of 9th Street,
to September issue of Warrants. Referred to Streets.
From the Clerk for an increase of Salary. Referred to Finance
From Hook and Ladder Co asking for an appropriation to
apply on purchase price of Truck. Referred to Fire and Water Supply.
Committees Reports Rec'd
From Streets rejecting the petition of Mrs Geo. N. Gosling for
the right to maintain a sign. Adopted
From Streets rejecting the petition of H. Sutherland et al for
the Improvement of Marion Street Front to Alley West. Adopted
From Streets recommending the awarding of the Contract
for the Improvement of Ninth Street under Ordinance No.
395 to H. F. Frahm and S. G. Simpson partners doing business under
the firm name of H. F. Frahm & Co upon executing a bond
in the sum of $1000.00. Adopted
From Streets recommending the Improvement of Jackson
Street from 12th to Market. Adopted
From Streets recommending the Improvement of Battery
Street from the Bay to the City limits. Adopted.
From Streets on the matter of S. F. Hoole for a re-survey on
Washington Street Grade recommending the issue of Warrants
to the amount of $638.68 Adopted
From Streets rejecting the petition of I. N. Bigelow et al for
the Improvement of 3rd Street from Pine to the City limits
north. Adopted
From Streets recommending the awarding of the Contract for
the Improvement of Pine Street from Front to the Alley East
under Ordinance No. 421 to Haskins and Strong. Adopted upon
executing a bond in the sum of $800.00
From Streets recommending the granting of the petition of
Murphy and Stewart to retain $250.00 out of September issue of
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