Aug 17/83
From L C Moore et al for the payment of monies due S F
Hoole on his Washington Street contract to the laborers. Referred
to Streets.
From H A Atkins for sparing shade trees on Columbia Street
Referred to Streets.
from Wm S Harrington et al for reducing license on Book Can-
vassers. Referred to Licenses and Revenue.
From Charles Naher et al for appointing Thomas H Bates a
Detective. Referred to Comtee on Police.
From "The Seattle Street Railway Co" for a franchise to construct
Street railways on Front et al Streets and Submitting an Ordinance
therefor. referred to Streets.
From Mrs. Charles O Boerner for transferring Retail liquor license
of Charles O Boerner. Referred to Licenses & Revenue.
From Columbia and Puget Sound R R Co. for Improvement of foots of
Main, Jackson, and Washington Streets and for the right to collect tolls
and wharfage. Referred to Harbor & Wharves.
From John Glen et al for changing the grade corner 11th & Pine
Streets. Referred to Streets.
From F C Comstock et al for grading Washington Street, 9th to 12th.
Referred to Streets.
Reports Rec'd
From the attorney on the matter of appropriating money towerds the
Villard celebration. Referred to Judiciary Comtee.
From the attorney on the matter of an ordinance to prohibit the
employment of Chinese on Public Imporvements, Referred to Jud-
From the Clerk reccommending an amendment to ordinance
No 312 with reference to team numbers. Referred to licenses.
From the Surveyor submitting grade lines on Jackson Street. Referred
to Streets.
From the Surveyor submitting grade lines on Battery Street. Referred
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