Sept 7/83
From Harbor & Wharves Comtee approving the Harbor Masters report.
From Judiciary and Legislative Comtee approving the report of the
City Justice. Adopted.
From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition
of Geo. F. Frye for the moving of a building & for other purposes.
From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition
of G. N. Alexander for further time until October 10.1883 in which
to complete the piling in South 3rd Street. Adopted.
From Street Committee recommending the granting of the petition
of Murphy and Stewart for the postponement of the detention of the
forfeiture of $250.00 until the final payment on 4th Street Improve-
ment. Adopted
From Finance Committee approving Clerks report. Adopted
From Finance Committee approving Treasurers report. Adopted
From Street Committee approving Street Commissioners report and
Payroll. Adopted
Applications for Licenses
Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit:
J. C. Conrad for Retail liquor for 3 months from Sept 5.1883
Otto Fuhrmann for Grocery 3 10
James Glynn & Co Retail 3 10
Claims Paid
The following claims having been duly audited by the Coucil are
ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts
following towit:
City Fund
Clarence Hanford Job work No. 451 $115.50
J. H. Woolery Chief of Police 452 100.
E. S. Osborne Clerk 453 90.
D. L. McCowan Policeman 454 80.
A. H. Manning do 455 80.
Charles Lind do 456 80.
James Welch do 457 80.
J. C. Floyd do 458 80.
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