



Status: Indexed

Sept 11/83
Wm Harkins Earthwork per cu yd 41cents
Cribbing per sq yd $3.00
Sidewalks per M B M[thousand board feet] $18.00
Box drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $21.00
Grubbing & Clearing per acre $125.00
And now the Council proceeds to open & consider the bids for the Im-provement of South 4th Street under Ordinance No 439 which bids
are as follows, to wit:
Frahn & Simpson Earthwork per cu yd 45cents
Cribbing per sq yd $3.75
Sidewalks per M B M[thousand board feet] $17.25
Box drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $25.00
P Quigley Earthwork per cu yd 45&1/2cents
Cribbing per sq yd $3.10
Sidewalks per M B M[thousand board feet] $17.50
Box drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $25.00
And now the Council proceeds to open & consider the bids for the In-
provement of Jackson Street Under Ordinance No 442, which bids
are as follows to wit:
G N Alexander Earthwork per cu yd 49&1/2cents
Cribbing per sq yd $3.69
Sidewalks per M B M[thousand board feet] $19.25
Box drains per M B M[thousand board feet] $25.00
Grubbing & Clearing per acre $100.00
bridging per M B M[thousand board feet] $26.25
Ordered that the forgoing bids be & they are hereby referred to the Street
An now the Councilproceeds to examine and equalize the Assessment Rolls for the Improvement of Madison Street under Ordinance
No 406. Pending which the matter of such further examination is laid
over until Tuesday September 18,1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm.
Ordered that the Clerk be & is hereby instructed to publish a notice to
all property owners interested in said roll to make objections to said
Roll at said meeting on Tuesday Spetember 18, 1883.
And now the Council proceeds in examining and equalizing the Assess

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