


Status: Page Status Indexed

Oct 5/83
T C Cann J P Fees No 486 $29.60
Geo B Adair, Trustee Handcuffs etc 487 8.
Seattle Telephone Exchange Line Rentals 488 6.65
Charles Blood Special Policeman Villard Reception 489 6.
Wm Truitt Special Policeman Villard Reception 490 6.
J L Kalaley Special Policeman Villard Reception 491 3.
H G Thornton Special Policeman Villard Reception 492 3.
Neuman & Argens Padlocks & Keys 493 3.
Humphrey & Lowman Stationery 494 2.75
J C Gordon Witness Fees in Justice Court 495 2.20
Wm Henderson Witness Fees in Justice Court 496 2.20
E S Osborne Paid for cleaning Council Chamber 497 2.
Cochrane & Roff Team Numbers 498 1.60
Joe McClaire Expressage 499 1.
Road Fund
Ballard & Hatfield Discharging Ballast No 267 $224.
Henry Sheahan Labor $87.50Use of Horse $37.50 268 125.
Stetson & Post Lumber 269 101.25
Harrington & Smith Wharfage on Ballast 270 84.
Stephen Berry Labor on Streets 271 72.10
James Campbell Labor on Streets 272 62.50
John Terrice Labor on Streets 273 62.50
D L McCowan Boarding Prisoners 274 61.
Luther Albee Labor on Streets 275 55.
J M Snow Establishing grade on 5th Street 276 50.75
Thos Rock Labor on Streets 277 40.
John Kelly Labor on Streets 278 25.
G P McFaden Hauling Lumber & Rubbish 279 23.50
Richard Burns Labor on Streets 280 21.25
J W Hunt Repairs to dump cart 281 19.
Geo B Adair, Trustee Nails & Hardware for Streets 282 17.50
J L Brasche Team on Streets 283 18.
J Norris Team & Labor on Streets 284 18.
Rolf Russell Team on Streets 285 12.
W H Dilley Labor on Streets 286 10.
C Ronson Labor on Streets 287 10.

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