Oct 5/83
No 440 , which bids are as follows, to wit:
Edmund Dunne
Sidewalks per M B M [thousand board feet] $19.60
Ordered that the contract be & is hereby awarded to Edmund
Dunne upon his executing a good sufficient bond in the amount
of $100.00.
Ordered that the bill of Donald Mackay as architect be & is
hereby referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings.
Ordered that the bill of John Wasser be laid on the table.
Ordered that the Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to submit
an Ordinance regulating the laying off of additions to the City.
Ordered that the Attorney be & is hereby instructed to submit
an ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 198.
Consideration of Ordinances
And now the Council porceeds to consider an Ordinance entitled
"An ordinance authorizing the location and laying down of tracks
for Street Railways in the City of Seattle and the equipment and
operation of such railways." After due consideration the same
is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption
Day, Harris, McDonald & Rasin. Against adoption Clancy,
Eight Ordinances are presented each being entitled "A Special
Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" After due
consideration the same are adopted upon the following vote, to wit:
in favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Rasin &
]]Wusthoff]]. Against adoption none.
Ordereda that the Council stand now adjourned until
Monday October 8, 1883 at 7&1/2 o'clock pm
Attest: E S Osborne clerk
Approved H G Struve mayor.
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