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Oct 12/83

Ordered that the Mayor be + he is hereby requested to return
without the same having been approved by him, the Ordinance
adopted at the meeting of October 12.1883 + entitled "An Ordinance
to amend Section Five (5) of Ordinance No. 246 entitled 'An Ordinance
fixing the pay, fees, and compensation of the City Officers of the City
of Seattle." In favor of said order Harris, McDonald, Rasin &
Wusthoff. Against the same Day, Clancy & Ranke

Claims Paid
Pine St Improvement # 421
J. M. Snow Engineering $35
Strong & Haskins Contract Work Final payment 818.47

Ordered that with the consent of the Contractor, the Contract for
the construction of a sidewalk on Spring Street be and the same is hereby

Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday October
19.1883 at 7 1/2 o'clock P.M.

Attest: E. S. Osborne, Clerk
Approved: H. G. Struve, Mayor

Oct 19/83
Be it remembered that on this the 19th day of October 1883 the Com-
mon Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber
pursuant to adjournment.

The following Officers are present towit. His Honor the Mayor
H. G. Struve and Councilmen Thomas Clancy, B. F. Day, George
W. Harris
, Charles McDonald, U. M. Rasin, Otto Ranke and F. W.

Thereupon the following proceedings are had:

Petitions Rec'd
From Wm Haskins for the right to complete the grading of Columbia
. Referred to Street Committee.

From R. Merchant and Co for the privilege of having a crosswalk [-----]
[---------] Referred to Street Committee

Communications Rec'd

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