Nov. 2 '83
Ordered that the matter of reconsidering the ordinance vetoed by
His Honor the Mayor & entitled "An Ordinance to amend Ordinance
No. 410," be & the same is laid over until next meeting
Ordered that the rate of assessment in order to provide funds to pay
for the Improvement of Pine Street under Ordinance No. 421 be & the
same is hereby fixed at the sum of 158 mills on the Dollar.
Ordered that the Assessment Rolls for Jackson Street Improvements
under Ordinance No. 442 South 4th Street Improvement under Ordi-
nance No. 439 and Battery Street Improvement under Ordinance No. 441-
be & the same or hereby referred to the Committee on Licenses &
Ordered that the Specification submitted by the Surveyor for the
Improvement of Columbia Street under Ordinance No. 476 be & the
same are hereby approved.
Consideration of Ordinances
The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To make appropriation
for and authorize the purchase of a fire bell," thereupon after due con-
sideration the same is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, McDonald, Rasin, Ranke and Wusthoff. Against
adoption none.
The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To appropriate
"nine hundred dollars to purchase hose for the Fire Department," there-
-upon after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote
to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, McDonald, Rasin, Ranke and Wusthoff.
Against adoption none.
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "Fixing the time for the regular
meetings of the Common Council of the City of Seattle" Laid on the table
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To repeal Ordinance No. 184"
Laid on the table
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "In relation to the duties of the
Treasurer of the City of Seattle," thereupon after due consideration the
same is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption
Clancy, Day, McDonald, Rasin, Ranke and Wusthoff. Against
adoption none.
Six ordinances are submitted each being entitled "A special ordi-
nance appropriating money to pay audited bills," thereupon after
due consideration the same are adopted upon the following vote to wit:
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