Dec 7/83
From Anthony LeBrasche for relief by reason of accident sustained at
fire. Referred to Finance Comtee.
From Strong & Harkins for an extension of time in which to com-
plete the Improvement of Madison Street. Referred to Street Committee
From Geo W Young for raising sidewalk fronting Lot 8 Block
7 of Maynards Plat. Referred to Street Committee.
From Geo W Young for the right to construct Cellar Way to building
on Lot 8 Block 7 Maynards Plat. Referred to Street Committee.
From O Jacobs et al protesting against the appointment of
2 Councilmen by the Legislative of Washington Territory and
asking the Council to rebuke to assumption of such power by the Legis-
lative. Referred to Judiciary Comtee with insturction to report thereon
at next meeting.
Reports Rec'd
From the Treasurer on the condition of the following Improvement
Funds to wit: James Street $365.; Alley West of Front Street $354.;
Pike Street $400.; Front St Sidewalk; Union St sidewalk $324.; Front St Grade;
Battery St Sidewalk $362.; Pike St $375.; South 2d St $369.; 8th St $388.; Seneca St
$401.; Pine & 9th St Sidewalk; 2d,3d, & Intersecting Sts $288.; & Jackson St Sidewalk
$335.. Referred to Finance Comtee.
From Clerk showing for fees collected. Approved
From Harbor Master showing collections. Approved
From Street Commissioner showing work done. Approved
From Attorney on the matter of Cellar Ways. Approved
From Attorney on delinquint taxes collected. Approved
From Police Justice showing fines collected. Approved. Referred to Street Comtee
Committee Reports Rec'd
From Finance Committee recommedning the purchase of a 4 wheel
hand hose carriage. Adopted and Attorney instructed to submit an
ordinance there for.
From Street Committeee recommending that Geo W Young be author-
ized to construct Cellar Way. Adopted
From Committee on Fireand Water Supply reporting on Ordinance
to authorize the construction of five Cisterns. Adopted Atty instructed to
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