424 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 25/84 Ordered that the vote by which Andrew Castro was authorized to occupy the foot of Columbia Street for a fish stand & entered on page 418 of this Journal be & the same is hereby reconsidered And now the Council proceeds to reconsider the petition of Andrew Castro to occupy the foot of Columbia Street for a Fish stand; thereupon said petition is denied. Ordered that the Chinese residents be & they are hereby permitted to fire fire crackers upon the condition that they pay to the Chief of Police in advance for the services of Special Policemen to be appointed by said Chief of Police to protect property and that the Mayor the requested to fix the limits for such using of fire crackers. And now the Clerk submits the statements of the cost of Madison street grade & Jackson Street condemnation proceedings. Refered to Finance Committee Claims Paid Washington Street Improvement S. G. Simpson contract work sidewalks 426.25 Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned attest: E. S. Osborne clerk approved H. G. Struve Mayor Feb 1/84 Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of February 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to adjournment. The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve and Councilmen B. F. Day, Geo. W. Harris, B. L. Northrup, Chas McDonald, John Keenen,Otto Ranke and F. W. Wusthoff Thereupon the following proceedings are had: Petitions Rec'd From A. C. Anderson et al for the grading of Cherry Street from the alley between 3rd& 4th Streets to 5th Street. Referred to Street Comtee From August Schafer for permission to move a building. Granted From G. C. Phinney for Donating Grounds for a Park. Peferred to Comtee
425 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 1/84 on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds From S. C. Harris et al for a gas lamp corner Union & 7th. Referred to Gas Comtee From Fire Warden for a 4 Wheeled Hose Carriage. Referred to Fire Comtee From Geo. Kinnear et al for removing obstructions from alley in Block 14 of Maynards plat. Referred to Street Comtee From D. Horton & Co for payment of balance due on Warrant 2d.3d & Intersecting Streets Grade. Referred to Finance Comtee From Frank Sale et al for a crossing in Madison Street. Referred to Street Comtee From Wm Brackett et al for opening Battery and Prince Streets. Referred to Street Comtee From E. H. Plummer et al for a gas lamp corner South 2d & Jackson Streets. Referred to Gas Comtee From L. Cummings to remove obstructions from Alley in Block 107 D. T. Dennys plat. Granted Reports Rec'd From Treasurer on the condition of General & Street Improvement Funds. Referred to Finance Comtee From City Justice. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Harbor Master. Referred to Comtee on Harbor & Wharves. From Street Commissioner. Referred to Street Comtee. From Chief of Police showing arrests. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Fire Warden. Referred to Fire Comtee From the Attorney on Pending litigation. Referred to Judiciary Comtee Committees Reports From Comtee on the matter of Fire Limits recommending that no proceedings be had at present to establish Fire Limits. Adopted From Street Comtee recommending the granting of the petition of Geo. W. Kinnear et al for removal of certain obstructions. Adopted From Gas Comtee recommending a gas lamp corner 7th & Union Streets. Adopted From Street Comtee approving Street Commissioners Report. Adopted
426 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 1/84 From Judiciary Comtee approving the Report of City Justice Adopted Applications for Licenses Ordered that licenses be issued as follows, towit: Aug Schaefer for Retail liquors for 3 months from Feb. 10, 1884 Claus & Harms for Wholesale & Retail for 3 months from Feb. 1, 1884 Geo. W. Walsh for Grocery for 3 months from Feb. 5, 1884 M. Rosengarden for Retail for 3 months from Jan 30, 1884 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds + in the amounts following, towit: City Fund W. H. Taylor Treasurer 575 $300. Frank Seidel Assessor 576 $187.50 E. S Osborne Clerk 577 $125. J. H. Woolery Chief of Police 578 $100. J. H. Woolery Boarding Prisioners 579 $87.75 Chas Lind Police 580 $80. John Kelly Police 581 $80. D. L. McCowan Police 582 $80. A. H. Manning Police 583 $80. J. C. Floyd Police 584 $80. James Welch Police 585 $80. R. Osborn Atty 586 $75. F. A. Minick Police 587 $68. C. Hanford Job Work 588 $56.25 T. H. Cann J Ps fees 589 $52.10 R. H. Calligan Coal 590 $37. T. I. Small Police 591 $34.60 Young & MCKeon Plumbing Jail 592 $33.90 Hall & Paulson Furniture Co. Desks + c 593 $26. Schwabacher Bros & Co. Blankets 594 $19.50 M Choynski Bedsteads + c 595 $11. Clarence Hanford Job Work 596 $10. Spring Hill Water Co. Water 597 $8. Sunset Telephone Co. line rentals 598 $6.65
427 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Feb 1/84 H. S. Butler Whitewashing Jail No. 599 $4. Cochran & Robb team numbers No. 600 $3.50 Neuman & Argens Jail keys No. 601 $2.75 Gordan Hardware Co lime & glue No. 602 $2.50 John Keenen Witness fee in JPs Court No. 603 $2.20 Waddell & Miles Candle Sticks No. 604 $0.50 Chas Lind Candles No. 605 $0.25 Road Fund G. Davies, R. Abrams & R. H. Calligan Appraisers Jackson St. Extension No. 360 $103. J. M. Snow Engineering Sewers $47.00 Engineering $151.68 No. 361 $198.68 Henry Sheahan labor $94.50 use of house $39. No. 362 $133.50 Stetson & Post Lumber No. 363 $97.84 S. Berry labor No. 364 $77.90 John Terice labor No. 365 $72.70 Thos Rock labor No. 366 $67.50 Luther Albee labor No. 367 $67.50 James Campbell labor No. 368 $67.50 M. Murphy labor No 369 $67.50 Geo. Howe labor No. 370 $37.50 J. E. Vining labor No. 371 $22.50 W. McCarty labor No. 372 $21.25 W. I. Evans labor No. 373 $20. M. Kelso labor No. 374 $20. J. Broker labor No. 375 $18.75 Gordan Hardware Co nails etc No. 376 $15.60 A. Thomas labor on streets No. 377 $15. G. P. McFaden Hauling No. 378 $13.75 Peter Zimmer labor on streets No. 379 $13. Chas McDonald Repairs to scaper +c No 380 $3.75 P. Goldin labor on streets No. 381 $2.50 M. J. Calligan labor on streets No. 382 $1. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas No. 71 $275.90 Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs +c No 72 $ 140.39
428 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 1/84 Fire Fund John E. Good & Co Castings etc for Fire Dept No. 291 $110.77 Young & McKeon Work for Dept No. 292 $104.40 W. A. Perry Engineer No. 1 No. 293 $75. P. E. Smith Engineer No. 2 No. 294 $75. D. Mackay Architect No. 295 $64.90 Gordan Hardware Co. Hardware etc No. 296 $41.75 Puget Iron Works Heater etc No. 297 $41.05 Washton Iron Works 1 stove Engine House No. 298 $40. Gordan Hardware Co. Hardware etc No. 296 $41.75 Puget Iron Works Heater etc No. 297 $41.05 Washton Iron Works 1 stove Engine House No. 298 $40. Carkeek & Nicholas Furnace Columbia St House No. 299 $23.25 Chas McDonald bolts for Incline etc No. 300 $19.50 L. Miller Engine to Fire & to house No. 301 $12.50 W. A. Perry coal for Dept No. 302 $6. J. L. Kahaley coal & hose No. 303 $4. Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co. lumber No. 304 $3.96 Frank McCombs Hauling rubbish No. 305 $3. Edw'd Williamson Stove Wood No. 306 $2.50 J. D. McDermott Brackets & Shelf No. 307 $2.50 John Storm Washing hose No. 308 $1.50 G. Kellogg & Co. tripoli No. 309 $1. A. P. Freeman leather No. 310 $1. Battery Street Grade #441 Wm Harkins Contract Work $2885.37 J. M. Snow Engineering $188.41 4th Street Grade #395 J. N. Bigelow, Walter Bunitt & Wm Meydenbauer Contract Work $38.25 J. M. Snow Engineering $6. South 4th Street #439 Frahen & Simpson]] Contract Work $212.29 J. M. Snow Engineering $13.20 Jackson Street Grade #442 G. N. Alexander Contract Work $4356.28 J. M. Snow Engineering $148.69