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446 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Mar 31/84 On this the 31st day of March 1884 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to the Call of His Honor the Mayor The following Officers are present, to wit: Councilmen, Thos Clancy, B. F. Day, John Keenen, Chas M Donald, B. L. Northrup, U M. Rasin & F. W. Wusthoff Thereupon the following proceedings are had By season of the absence from the City of His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve, Councilman [U M. Rasin]] is appointed President of the Council to serve during the meeting And now the City Surveyor files a Written Communication recommending that the Mill Street Sewer now in process of Construction be extended 50 feet at present contract rates and further that branch sewers of stone-iron be extending from said Mill Street Sewer into Mill & James Streets to North Second Street and up Front Street to Cherry Street. Ordered that the Committee on Sewers be & they are hereby instructed to extend said Mill Street Sewer 50 feet as recommended & that the balance of said Communication be & is hereby referred to the Committee on Sewers. Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned Approve H G Struve Mayor Attest: E S Osborne Clerk

Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of April 1884 the Common Council of the city of Seattle meets in its Council Chamber pursuant to law The following Officers are present, towit: His Honor the Mayor H. G. Struve & Councilmen Thos Clancy, B. F. Day, Geo. W. Harris, John Keenen, Chas M Donald, B. L. Northrup, Otto Ranke, U. M. Rasin & F. W. Wusthoff. Petitions Rec'd From G. Burian protesting against his grade tax on Madison Street. Referred to Street Comtee

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


447 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 24/84 From H. E. Norwold for permission to occupy portions of Front & Pike Streets with lumber. Referred to Street Comtee. From Wm Harkins for allowance for excavation on Fourth Street Grade. Referred to Street Comtee From Thos L. Quinn for the right to erect a Fruit stand foot of Columbia Street. Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds. From Western Mill Co. for the right fill in Mercer Street with slabs etc. Granted. From Pickering etc. et al for renewal of Boot Black Stand of "David the Shiner". Referred to the Comtee on Public Buildings, Property and Grounds. From Geo. Hill & wife for the rights of maintain a residence foot of University Street. Referred to Street Comtee] From Geo. Kinnear for refunding sidewalk tax paid on Battery Street Sidewalk. Referred to Finance Comtee From C. C. Rich et al for appointing Wm M. Jones Policeman for Lake Union District. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police From W. W. Powell et al for appointing T. R. Reed a Policeman for Lake Union District. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police. From B. L. Page et al for appointing Char G. Nollop a Policeman for Lake Union District. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police From M. Densmore et al. for grading 5th Street, Union to Vine, Referred to Street Comtee From Fred Gasch et al. for grading Howell, 10th & Bismark Streets, Referred to Street Comtee From M. R. Maddocks et al for the right to grade Cherry Street, from alley East of 3rd Street to 5th Street. Referred to Street Comtee From Chief of Police for placing boarding of Prisoners in care of Street Commissioner. Referred to Comtee on Health & Police. From Chas Baker et al for recognition as a Fire Co. & for a Steam Fire Engine. Referred to Fire Comtee From M. V. B. Stacy et al for grading Madison Street from the end of present grade to Lake Washington. Referred to Street Comtee From D. J. Demry for approving plat of "Water Front addition

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


448 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 24/84 "supplemental to plat of North Seattle", Referred to Surveryor. From H. H. Lewis for approving plat of "Crown addition to the City of Seattle" Referred to Surveyor From Lake Union Fire Co. asking for a Fire Engine & Hose Cart. Referred to Fire Comtee From W. C. Squire et al for opening Washington Street Sewer. Referred to Comtee on Sewers. From Foreman Fire Co. No. 2 asking for transfer of Engine No 2 from Co. No 1. to Co. No 2. Referred to Fire Comtee From Chas Haher et al for grading Mill Street from the alley East of Third Street to Williamson Street. Referred to Street Comtee From Wm H. Whittlesley for approving plat of "Carr addition to the City of Seattle." Referred to the Surveyor Communications Rec'd From Surveyor recommending the Construction of a main sewer in Washington Street. Referred to the Comteeon Sewers. From Surveyor submitting elevations for a grade on Lake Street. Referred to Street Comtee Reports Rec'd From Harbor Master. Referred to Comtee on Harbor & Wharves. From City Justice. Approved From Street Commissioner. Referred to Street Comtee From Treasurer. Referred to Finance Comtee From Fire Warden. Referred to Fire Comtee From Surveyor recommending a partial payment be allowed to Wm Harkins on a/c Mill Street Sewer of $2457.00 . Adopted & Warrant ordered drawn accordingly From Atty. Referred to Judiciary Comtee From Atty on claim of Jonah E. Seamam recommending that the same be paid. Adopted & Warrant ordered drawn in the sum of $250.00 From Surveyor approving the plats of Dennys of "Water Front addition"; "Crown addition" and "Carr's addition", Adopted & Mayor & Clerk instructed to certify to said plats as required by law. Committees Reports From Finance approving Treasurers reports for February,

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


449 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Apr 4 '84 Adopted From Street Comtee recommending the opening of certain Streets asked to be opened of F. H. Whitworth et al Adopted. From Street Comtee recommending the grading of Bell Street. Adopted & Attorney instructed to submit an ordinance therefor. From Comtee on Sewers approving Surveyors reccomendation for a Sewer in Washington Street. Adopted & Atty instructed to submit an ordinance therefor. From Comtee on Health & Police recommending that the Street Commissioner be instructed to board Prisoners at an expense not exceeding 25 cents a meal. Rejected Ordered that the Comtee on Health & Police be & is hereby instructed to select a Policeman to have charge of Prisoners & work the same From Comtee on Health & Police denying all petitions for the appointment of Policemen for Lake Union District. Adopted & Chief of Police is hereby instructed to station a member of the present force at said District. From Comtee on Streets recommending that Surveyor be instructed to survey Madison Street from end of present grade to Lake Washington as soon as practicable. Adopted From Comteeon Judiciary approving Attorneys Report. Adopted From Comtee on Streets recommending the granting of the petition of H. E. Norwold to place lumber in certain Streets. Adopted From Comtee on Streets on the petition of Geo. Hall & wife stating that all buildings foot of University Street had been removed. Adopted From Fire Comtee recommending that Steam Fire Engine #2 be turned over Fire Co. #2. Adopted From Fire Comtee recommending that the Fire Warden be instructed to turn over to Lake Union Fire Co. the Hand engine Hose 1 and hose cart now in charge of Mseesrs Stetson & Post adopted. From Street Comtee recommending that a Contract be entered into with M. R. Maddocks et al for grading Cherry Street from the alley East of 3rd Street to 5th Street. Adopted Applications for Licenses Ordered that licenses be issued as wit: R. Howard for Retail Liquors for 3 months from Apr. 3, 1884 John J. Corbett Retail Liquors for 3 months from Apr. 5, 1884 Geo. Meister Retail Liquors for 3 months from Apr. 7, 1884

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


450 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 4/84 A. E. Alden Retail Liquor for 3 months from Apr 1. L. Diller Retail Liquor for 3 months from Apr 16. Peter Auderlou & Co Retail Liquor for 3 months from Apr 5. M. K. Gottstein Wholesale Liquor for 3 months from Mar 17. Joseph Francisco Retail Liquor for 3 months from Apr 7. Dickman & Gumbert Grocery for 3 months from Apr 4. Peter W. Wusthoff Retail Liquor for 3 months from Apr 1. The following claims having been duly audited by the Council and ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following, to wit: City Fund W. H. Taylor Treasurer No 605 $150. E. S. Osborne Clerk 636 $125. J. H Woolery Boarding Prisoners 637 $102.75 J. H Woolery Chief of Police 638 $100. F. A. Minick Police 639 $80. T. P. Small Police 640 $80. Chas Lind Police 641 $80. A. H. Manning Police 642 $80. J. C. Floyd Police 643 $80. D. L. McCowan Police 644 $80. James WelchPolice 645 $80. R. Osborn Atty 646 $75. Herald Publishing Co Printing 647 $70.30 Geo. R. Finn Police 648 $69. Clarence Hanford Job Work 649 $58. T. H. Cann J P Fees 650 $56.20 Post-Intelligencer Co. Job Work 651 $15. Stringham & Joslin Team Nos etc 652 $13.90 B. B. Freed Double Assessment 653 $8.48 Sunset Telephone Co Line Rentals 654 $6.65 Goffe Printing Co. JobWork 655 $5.25 E. S. Osborne Laws of'83 656 $5.25 Nicholas Brown Removing Carrion 657 $2.50

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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