


Status: Indexed

Apr 4/84

Gas Fund

Seattle Gas Lt Co Gas Repairs No 75 $319.10
Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs 76 $55.62
Fire Fund
W. A. Perry Engine No1 331 $75.
P. E. Smith Engine No 2 332 $75.
Young & McKeon Plumbing for Incline 333 $69.30
J. M. SnowEngineering Fire Tank Battery St 334 $35.05
Waddell & Miles Tank for Engine No2 etc. 335 $30.70
J. L. Kaheley Coal. 336 $18.
M. J. Calligan Coal 337 $13.
O. F. Phillips & Co Hauling Engines 338 $10.
Moran Bros Lubricator etc. 339 $7.25
Gordan Hardware Co. Oil and waste etc. 340 $3.60
Jas Durnham Washing hose341 $2.50
John Sturm Washing hose 342 $2.50
H. Uhlfelder Water Buckets 343 $2.
E. Lobe & Co Dusters 344 $1.70
Fred Bories Strap and Bolt for hose 345 $1.25
Fourth Street Grade #395
J. M. Snow Engineering 991 $25.35
I. N. Bigelow, Walter Burritt & Wm Meydenbaur
Bondsmen for Completion of Work Contract Work 992 $96.
Ordinances Received
An ordinance is submitted entitled "A special ordinance appropriating
money to pay audited bills". Adopted upon the following vote to wit:
In favor of adoptionClancy, Day, Harris, Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke,
Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none.
An ordinance is submitted entitled "To amend Sections No. 1 and 6,
of Ordinance No. 473", thereupon after due consideration the same is adopted
upon the following vote,to wit: In favor of adoptionClancy, Day, Harris, Keenen,
McDonald, Northrup, Ranke,Rasin & Wusthoff. Against adoption none.
An ordinance is submitted "To license Insurance Agents." Referred
to Judiciary Comtee to fill blanks.
An ordinance is submitted entitled "In regard to the Police Force"
Rejected upon the following vote, to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy,

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