


Status: Indexed

June 16/84
Sidewalks per M B M [thousand Board Feet] $14.
Box drains per M B M [thousand Board Feet] 19.
Grubbing & cleaning per acre $90.
Ordered that the bids be referred to Street Comtee to report
next meeting.
Ordered that the clerk be & he is hereby instructed to give 10
days public notice as required by law that a general election
for all City Officers of this City of Seattle will be held on Monday
July 14th 1884
The Officers to be elected are as follows to wit: One Mayor
one Chief of Police, one Attorney, one Assessor, and from the
1st Ward 2 Councilmen for 2 years and one Councilman
for one year: from the 2d Ward, 2 Councilmen for 2 years
and one Councilman for one year and from the 3rd Ward
2 Councilmen for 2 years and one Councilman forone
First Ward
election to be held at the office of City Justice T H Cann
on Washington Street
Inspector O N Morse Judges Berry, Murphy and W H
Clerks Frank Plummer and B Rogers
Second Ward
Election to be held at the Engine House on Columbia Street
Inspector D N Hyde Judges O C Shorey and Andrew
Clerk Robt Allen and Hiram Jacobs
Third Ward
Election to be held at North School House on 3rd Street
Inspector Roswell Scott Judges W G Latimer & D T Denny
clerks F E Sander & Marion Fry
Consideration of Ordinances
An ordinance is submitted entitled "Fixing the gas limits"
After due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the
following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Keenen,
McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against
adoption none.
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "To assess and levy tax

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