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June 25/84
Be it remembered that on this the 25th day of June 1884 the Common
Council of the City of Seattle meets in the Council Chamber pursuant
to adjournment
The following Officers are present to wit: His Honor the Mayor H G
& Councilmen Thos Clancy B F Day, Geo W Harris, John
, B L Northrup, Otto Ranke & F W Wusthoff.
Thereupon teh following proceedings are had:
And now the Fire Comtee returns the Ordinance authorizing a
Contract with Spring Hill Co to furnish water for fire purposes
without recommendation; thereupon the Council porceeds to con-
sider said Ordinance teh same being entitled " Providing for water
for fire purposes"; After due
consideration said ordinance is passed
upon the following vote to wit: In favor of passage Clancy Day,
Harris, Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke & Wusthoff.
Against passage none.
Ordered that the Mayor be & he is hereby requested to return to the
Council before action therein by him of the ordinance to
provide for the grading of th Street from Union to Vine
Ordered that the Vote by which said Ordinance for the grading of
5th Street was passed be & is hereby reconsidered
And now the Council proceeds to recondiser said ordinance the
same being entitiled "To provide for the grading of and for building
a sidewalk on each side of a portion of Fifth Street" After due con-
sideration said ordinance is rejected upon the following vote to wit:
In favor of passage Day, Northrup, Rasin Against the same
Clancy, Harris, Keenen, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff.
Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned
Attest: E S Osborne clerk
Approved H G Struve mayor

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